By Ashish
Price: 9,03,800

Satisfaction guaranteed with minor issues
Pros : Reliable enough, powerful, fair fuel efficiency
Cons : Little bit disappointed with interiors
Maruti Swift is my first family car so far and my parents are happy with it. Really swiftly performance and handling. Stability on road is commendable. I was confused with the ongoing tough competition in the market and was looking forward to choose Maruti Ritz but finally made my mind to purchase Swift because of its durability and execution in the urban areas. Although I was able to afford this car as I am working in a reputed IT company with handsome salary but when my elder brother took a test drive of Swift he was really impressed and told me to finance the down payment. Thanks to Maruti Swift to help me subside my pocket burden.
As I purchased Maruti Swift ZXI I felt somewhat similarity in the interior looks in comparison to old Swift. So I was disappointed to some extent but when this car become accustomed to me I forgot this minor issue. However quality material is exploited in the dashboard. Although boot space is quite carried off but we can easily manage to get in 3-5 bags.
As far as fuel efficiency is concerned, a 1.2 Petrol engine can deliver up to 18 kmpl. I purchased Silky silver color so exterior looks according to me is phenomenal with improved alloy wheels and new body shell which can mesmerize every person who see it at the first time. Safety feature which I liked the most is Anti-lock braking system which can tackle funthusiast like me. So far I love the car but if you are expecting some smooth riding hatchback despite of Maruti Swift price tag than I would suggest going for it. I love my Swifty swift.
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