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Friday, December 11, 2020

By CarKhabri Team

Car Maintenance Tips For The Longevity Of Your Car (Series 6)

Car Maintenance Tips For The Longevity Of Your Car (Series 6)

Car maintenance is vital to enjoy the flawless drive of your car and protect its component from the untimely failure. For this, it is imperative to get your car serviced according to its scheduled date. Doing this keeps you updated about the health of your car and its components requiring necessary repairs or replacement according to their existing condition.
But car maintenance is beyond this, the regular service ensures that all the components are working properly. For the smooth functioning of these components, it is important for you to take of them until the next service. Because the problem with any of the components in the car does not happen suddenly before failure they will start sending you alerts that something is not going right with them and which needs to detected and rectified at earliest to avoid a serious problem. In today’s blog of our series Car Maintenance Tips For The Longevity Of Your Car, today we shall focus on the components which are prone to failure after sending lots of alerts before breaking.
Radiator Fluid: If the level of radiator fluid is less than the desired level, there are chances that it will break down due to overheating. The level of radiator fluid can be checked by opening the radiator cap placed near the battery or close to the engine. By opening the lid of the radiator you can check the level of the coolant. Today, lots of vehicles have a coolant antifreeze reservoir connected to the radiator cap, this reservoir indicates the level of radiator fluid.
Power Steering Fluid: The absence of substantial power steering fluid can make it difficult for you to control the steering wheel. Checking the power steering wheel fluid is the easiest task to do. Most of the car engines have a transparent reservoir to check the level of the fluid. If you cannot find it in your car, then check the manual book provided by the dealership at the time you purchased the car.
The Transmission Fluid: The main objective of the transmission fluid is to smoothen the functioning of the transmission system. Checking the level of the transmission fluid is same as checking the level of the engine oil. If you notice some particles over the dipstick of the transmission fluid or you feel the smell of something burning, then it is an indication to replace the transmission fluid.
Brake Fluid: The box to store the brake fluid is located behind the engine. The appropriate level of the brake fluid helps in retaining the proper control over the braking system. In the absence of brake fluid, there are chances that your car might crash. Normally the level of the brake fluid should be up to the half-inch level from the bottom of its reservoir if the level is below then you should get it topped up at the earliest.
Air-Conditioning Coolant: People often confuse between radiator coolant and air-conditioning coolant. The coolant for the air conditioner is used to transform hot air in the cold air. Checking the air conditioning coolant is a daunting task, and therefore you should get it done by an expert technician.
Windshield Washer Fluid: Although, the windshield washer fluid doesn’t play a role in the functioning of the engine, except cleaning the windshield. The reservoir of the windshield washer is near the engine and can be easily located. As its box is transparent it is easy to check its level. If the level is low you should fill it with the appropriate fluid.

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