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Friday, November 27, 2020

By CarKhabri Team

Car Maintenance Tips For The Longevity Of Your Car (Series 4)

Car Maintenance Tips For The Longevity Of Your Car (Series 4)

Car Maintenance is not as much daunting task as it sounds, the only thing you need to be is a little bit small and keep strict on every indication sent by your car. It should be remembered that before failure every part of your car starts sending the warning indications to its owner, it depends on mainly on your mechanical knowledge and skills of how much you understand them.
Well continuing our series on enhancing the longevity of your car, today also we will understand some important tips that will help you to keep your driving for a long time without any interruption.
1. Brake Pads and Rotors: The brake pads and rotors work simultaneously to stop your car running at the fast speed after you push the brakes. Due to their direct linkage with the tires, there are chances the brakes pads and rotors will be worn out earlier due to regular wear and tear. Going through this reason it is necessary to keep on checking their condition at the regular intervals. Also, if you notice that brakes are taking a long time in stopping your vehicle or you notice the burning smell coming out from your car after hitting the brakes, then it is an indication that you need to replace the existing pads and rotors.
Brake Pads and Rotors
2. Replace the Brake Fluid: The brake fluid transfers the pressure from brake pedals to brake pads and rotors. As the brake fluid is in liquid form, it develops moisture which could result in corrosion. Along with this, the moisture affects the functioning of the brakes. If you notice that the brake fluid is turning thick or changing its colour, then it is important to replace it at the earliest.
3. Let the Brake Lines work Smoothly: There are chances that while replacing the brake fluid in the braking system, the excessive air may stick in the brake lines, thus damaging the overall braking system. To stop this problem it is better to bleed the brake lines after flushing the spoiled oil. As doing this is a critical task, it is important to get it done by an expert technician.
4. Don’t Switch on the Electrical Components if the Engine is not Running: Do not forget to switch off the electrical components like headlights, radio, and others when the engine is off. If these components remain on for a long time, they will consume the battery and discharge it before its actual time.
5. Place the Battery Properly in its Bay: The battery constitutes an important component of the engine and therefore needs to be kept protected from any type of damage, especially if there is any vibration in the engine. The vibration can damage the battery plates and points that allow the car to stop. To avoid all these problems it is better to store the battery properly in its bay.  
6. In Winter try to Park the Car in a Garage: The chances of car batteries discharging is more in the winter, especially if the water inside the battery freezes if the car is kept in the atmosphere that is prone to cold. To avoid this problem it is recommended to park the car in an insulated garage.
7. Go for the Long Trips: Although driving your car regularly keeps its battery charged, and therefore the car owners who could not drive their car regularly go for the short trips or switch on the engine of the car while it is parked. Doing this will not help in charging your battery to its full potential if you want to charge your battery try to plan the long trips.
8. Replace the Battery After Every 3-4 Years: The working duration of every battery is between three and four years, after which it will automatically stop working. Although the lifespan of every battery mainly depends on the weather, your driving habits and its charging efficiency. To protect yourself from being stranded in the middle of your journey due to battery just because the battery gave up.

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